von Valérie Gardel | Aug. 5, 2019 | Allgemein
This morning when I woke up a soft wave of Aloha, Hawaii hit my heart, how much I love this feeling! Due to spring abundance and prospering life outside, my voice also starts to open up again after winter time, so here we go with my next blog.
Often the concept of Ho’oponopono is misunderstood in Western society and being reduced to forgiveness (mehr …)
von Valérie Gardel | Aug. 5, 2019 | Allgemein
During the last couple of weeks I dived deep into the sacred feminine to restore some of the wisdom that lies at the bottom of the ocean, in the womb of our mother earth, in my womb. I was made aware of the deep relationship we as women have with her through our sacred womb. (mehr …)
von Valérie Gardel | Juni 12, 2019 | Allgemein
Aloha dear all
Endlich schaff ich es wieder mal einen Blog zu schreiben. Gezwungen von einem Loch im Knie aber dazu mehr später :-). Gerne möchte ich euch einen Einblick in die Themen die in den letzten Tagen hervorkamen & in meine Verbindung zu Jesus geben. (mehr …)